Rubilarian year book
Red lipstick, red shoes, why not a red dress too
And a red hat, and the attitude to go with it
I have come a long way baby
And I’m pulling all the stops to celebrate
For now I realize I’ve reached the benchmark
And my price is far above rubies.
What did an awkward girl from Pasacao know
Without her mother’s dream?
The UP was where she had a glimpse,
There’s a lot of world to see.
Imagine crossing the great
To the other side of the earth
I grew up in
I grew wings in
I grew horns in
That’s what mother would say
When I acted too big for my britches
And forgot for a moment where I came from.
I got my ass kicked in
But hey, I got to kick some too
And here I am, coloring my hair red-brown
To hide the gray and force the look
To match the heartfelt feeling of being alive and young
Of being twenty-five forever and not changing
Even if life’s triumphs and tragedies have visited
And irrevocable in history.
I had a love that made me understand
What Sonnets to the Portuguese was all about
Or why Holly Golightly and
Seem meant for me and the 120 of us
Who passed the halls of the UPCM in ’67.
Now 8 are gone
My beloved is gone
We pedal the life cycles, 3 generations after
What does it matter, be it power, riches or fame
Prison, or death, betrayal and divorce or financial ruin
We’re all brothers and sisters
We share our lives always
We Live!
“We're after the same rainbow's end,
Waitin' round the bend,
My huckleberry friend,